Consultancy: Mid-term review of the Sanitation Learning Hub

Deadline: 6 December 2021

The purpose of the mid-term review (MTR) is to conduct a formative evaluation and independently assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the programme. The evaluators shall use the OECD DAC evaluation criteria for these 4 areas.

The MTR will highlight successes and challenges since the current project funding phase began in 2019 and will seek to measure the progress towards the intended outcomes and objectives of the programme.

This should focus on to what extent our programme is fulfilling our mission ‘To enable the Sanitation and Health sector to innovate, adapt and collaborate in a rapidly evolving landscape, feeding learning into policies and practice’. The full Terms of Reference are available here.

The MTR will take 3 months and ideally be carried out from 1 February 2022 – 30 April 2022 (but this timescale can be discussed as part of the interview process, prior to contracting) and we expect this to take 20 days of personnel time.

The draft MTR, with findings and provisional conclusions and recommendations, will be submitted to Sida and SLH by 4th April 2021.

The final MTR report will be submitted to Sida and SLH by 30 April.

The timeline can be discussed as part of the interview process prior to contracting.

Qualifications/competency & expertise requirements

The review requires an individual (or a small team) including an expert with a minimum of 8 years of evaluation experience and some experience of working on or evaluating projects on sanitation, WASH, CLTS or related fields.


Consultants are requested to submit a short technical proposal consisting of:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Qualifications to the Terms of Reference
  3. Previous relevant experience
  4. Technical response (including approach, methodology, and proposed list of evaluation questions)
  5. Timeline/work plan
  6. Personnel Inputs (include person days without any reference to fees)
  7. CVs
  8. 2 referees

The Financial Proposal should be submitted in a separate document following the template provided in Annex B of the full Terms of Reference.

Bidders should submit their proposals to Samantha Reddin on [email protected] on or before 6 December 2021. SLH will follow due IDS diligence processes for procurement of consultants. Proposals will be reviewed by a panel and scored on a matrix according to how appropriately they meet the criteria and address the TOR. Shortlisted applicants will then be contacted to discuss their proposal further. Any proposals received after this date and time will not be considered. The successful bidder will be notified on or before 15th December 2021.

Any questions should also be sent to Samantha Reddin on [email protected].

Download the full Terms of Reference

SLH Publications

Look through the complete Sanitation Learning Hub publication collection.

These include our flagship Frontiers of Sanitation series, SLH Learning Briefs and Papers, Rapid Action Learning (RAL) Papers and co-produced Approach Guidelines.

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SLH Research and Learning

Our research draws attention to knowledge gaps, blind spots and emerging questions in the sanitation and hygiene sector to help navigate complex issues and take action.

This section unpacks our thematic priority areas of work and our Rapid Action Learning approaches.

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