SLH Publications
Look through the complete Sanitation Learning Hub publication collection.
Our publications are distinctive in that they are peer-reviewed, action-orientated and rapidly produced.
Frontiers of Sanitation
Our flagship series provides practical, evidence-based guidance and recommendations on essential emerging issues and approaches to programming and learning.
Frontiers of Sanitation | 22
Adapting Menstrual Health Interventions for People with Intellectual Disabilities in Emergencies
SLH Rapid Action Learning Papers
A variety of outputs produced using Rapid Action Learning approaches.
SLH Rapid Action Learning Papers
Call to Action: Building Momentum around Climate Change in Rural SanitationSLH Learning Papers
In depth studies on emerging issues, approaches and gaps to generate understanding and awareness.
SLH Learning Papers | 18
Out of sight, out of mind? Making unpaid WASH work visibleSLH Learning Briefs | 17
Rural Sanitation in a Changing Climate: Case Studies and ReflectionsApproach Guidelines
Practical guidelines on how to implement a research and learning approach, co-produced with partners.
Approach Guidelines
Monitoring and Evaluation for Rural Sanitation and Hygiene: Framework