“The essence of public and private funding for sanitation” is the second paper in the Financing Sanitation Paper Series.
This paper focuses on the first part of the sanitation chain, i.e., awareness creation of the need for a toilet, demand generation, capacity building of stakeholders and (leading to the) construction of safe toilets. In the sanitation chain these are followed by collection and transport of faecal matter, safe disposal and/or treatment for reuse of excreta. It is a collection of six papers based on practical experiences, insights and materials developed in several public and privately financed sanitation programmes in Ethiopia (SPA), India (ISSUE-2) and Kenya (FINISH).
Who is this for and why?
For central and national governments it provides the evidence that targeted financing and blended financing can be deployed along the sanitation chain.
It also provides some level of comfort for financial institutions on the need to develop viable sanitation loan products because there is scale in the sanitation market.
For toilet business owners or small-scale entrepreneurs who might be interested in carrying new inventories for new sources of income, it provides evidence that meeting the SDG or making nations ODF provides great business opportunities in the sanitation market.