The ethics of using photos in the WASH sector

28/02/24 Ruhil Iyer et al

Sanitation and hygiene issues deal with difficult, hidden, and taboo areas of...

Using immersive approaches to understand barriers in WASH

10/07/23 Santwana Sneha

This piece originally appeared on the FINISH Mondial website and is reposted...

Our highlights from 2022

20/12/22 Elaine Mercer

In 2022 in-country partnership development has been a core priority, with an...

Lessons from sanitation marketing field experiences in Zambia

25/10/22 Warren Mukelabai Simangolwa

Our 2015 chapter, “Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and sanitation marketing: aspects to...

Time to get our shit together

18/08/22 Mimi Coultas

Waterside communities are challenging contexts for sanitation programming. Sandy soils and high...

Doubling down on sanitation’s unfinished business: Scaling up rural sanitation in challenging contexts and changing climate

15/07/22 Mike Gnilo

Accelerating progress in rural sanitation towards SDG 6 is possible. India’s Swachh...

Designing responsive solutions: Using evidence in area-wide programming

14/07/22 Mimi Coultas

Accelerating progress in rural sanitation towards SDG 6 is possible. India’s Swachh...

Addressing menstrual health in Bangladesh

25/05/22 Maisha Zaman

Globally, Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) is one of the most common terms...