Making progress towards inclusive sanitation and hygiene for sexual and gender minorities

02/12/20 Alice Webb

As we move closer to the 2030 target for sustainable and safely...

How can we improve handwashing for good?

14/10/20 Mimi Coultas

COVID-19 has shone a spotlight on the importance of handwashing with soap,...

Rapid Action Learning and COVID-19

06/10/20 Robert Chambers

A-ha! A moment etched in my memory: 20 or so researchers were...

Responding to COVID-19 through comprehensive WASH interventions: Experiences from two Indian states

28/09/20 Satviki Varma & Asad Umar

Since 2015, the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) has been implementing a flagship...

COVID-19 in India and inequality in access to water, sanitation and hygiene

22/09/20 Mukesh Kumar & Pratap Chandra Mohanty

On January 30th 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the present...

Turning learning and sharing into action at scale

16/09/20 Sarah House

This blog is the last in a series of five on the...

What prevents us learning and translating it into action at scale?

16/09/20 Sarah House

This blog is the fourth in a series of five on the...

Behind the scenes: Creating the new SLH website

26/08/20 Alice Webb

After years of work on Community-Led Total Sanitation, the time had come...