Comprehensive Social Protection Programming: What is the Potential for Improving Sanitation Outcomes?

January 2022

WASH intersects with all SDGs – this publication is part of an IDS Working Paper series that looks at the intersection of sanitation and other fields.

Millions of people around the world do not have access to adequate sanitation facilities, undermining progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 6.2 that calls for adequate and equitable sanitation for all.

Efforts to improve sanitation outcomes have been rapidly accelerated in the past decade alongside an expansion of different financial incentives or subsidies to promote access to services and motivate sanitation behaviour. In parallel, social protection has become part and parcel of development policy, with many low- and middle-income countries now offering some form of cash transfers to those most vulnerable. Comprehensive interventions that couple financial transfers with complementary support such as behaviour change communication, training, or coaching have also grown increasingly popular.

Despite similarities between water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) subsidy schemes and social protection interventions, these policy areas have largely developed in silos and limited cross-sectoral learning has taken place. This paper begins to fill this knowledge gap by assessing the potential for comprehensive social protection in addressing sanitation outcomes and drawing out policy implications for the social protection and WASH communities. It does so by focusing on a social protection programme in the context of extreme poverty in rural Haiti.

  1. Implement context-appropriate combination of interventions.
  2. Pay closer attention to women’s roles.
  3. Build and strengthen cross-sectoral linkages.

Additional details

PublisherInstitute of Development Studies
ThemesChallenging contexts, Gender, Leave no one behind
ApproachesFinancing approaches, Learning approaches
Roelen, K. and Rodriguez, K. (2022) ‘Comprehensive Social Protection Programming: What is the Potential for Improving Sanitation Outcomes?’ IDS Working Paper 560, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/IDS.2022.001

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