Database of WASH in households

February 2022

The database of WASH in households presents updated WASH figures globally, by country, by region, and further disaggregated – e.g. by rural vs. urban settings and by wealth quintiles. It has sections for drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. You can generate and view charts and tables online, or download the underlying figures and carry out your analysis manually on MS Excel.

This is a key resource for evidence-based decision making at the national level and above. Also, it is a core resource to understand the progress and gaps in SDG6. JMP updates the database on a regular basis, and it is the result of significant monitoring efforts by countries and JMP. While country-specific experts may at times question some of the data reported, nonetheless this remains the most rigorous and verified source of quantitative information on WASH, and the most widely accepted.

Additional details

PublisherWorld Health Organization & UNICEF
ThemesHygiene, Monitoring, evaluation and learning

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