UNICEF’s Sanitation Marketing Learning Series provides a coherent overview of implementing SanMark programmes.
The Guidance Notes are available to download below:
- Situation Analysis: How do I know if sanitation marketing will work in my country?
- Consumer Behavior: How do we understand sanitation consumers in target markets?
- Sanitation Supply Chains and Business Models: How can we improve market systems?
- Private sector development: How do we improve capacity of local sanitation businessess?
- Getting the Product and Service Right: How do we design affordable, desirable latrines that businesses can profitable produce and sell?
- Enabling Environment: What roles and functions are needed in the new sanitation market?
- Demand Promotion and Marketing: How do we reach rural target markets in sanitation marketing?
- Equity in Sanitation Marketing: How can we support the market to reach the poorest?
- Monitoring and Evaluation: How do we measure sanitation marketing progress?
- Sanitation Marketing and CATS: How do we link approaches?