The Enterprise in WASH outputs focus on the role of small-scale enterprises, emerging as important players in sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) service delivery for the poor.
The first phase of research (2013-2016) focused on the role of private and social enterprises in Indonesia, Vietnam and Timor-Leste. It included:
- a systematic review of evidence to date
- studies on the dynamics and key influences on private sector roles in the three country contexts
- value chain studies for sanitation in remote, rural contexts
- studies on motivators, drivers and barriers for enterprises
- equity study for private water enterprises.
This phase was funded through the Australian Government’s Australian Development Research Awards Scheme (ADRAS) through the Australian Civil Society WASH Fund (2013-2016).
The second phase (2016 – 2018) looks at three further dimensions of enterprise engagement, and involves engagement in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Vanuatu and Sierra Leone:
- gender and entrepreneurship
- associations and other business support mechanisms
- cost structures for private water enterprises
- entrepreneurship and rural water supply sustainability