Facilitating “Hands-on” Training Workshops for Community-Led Total Sanitation: A Trainer’s Training Guide

April 2010

This long awaited publication responds to the demand for guidance on how to conduct training of community-led total sanitation (CLTS) facilitators. The fast spread of CLTS to now over 40 countries means that the demand for good facilitators and trainers of facilitators currently outstrips supply. As CLTS requires a special kind of facilitation, it also calls for a different type of training of facilitators. Training always has to be hands-on, in real time, through triggering in communities and lead to emergence of open defecation free (ODF) villages.

The guide includes much useful information on how to organise and conduct CLTS training of facilitators, as well as how to follow-up, and thereby hopes to spread good practice. It is intended for immediate use by trainers around the world. It will also be helpful for those who manage and supervise trainers and facilitators in terms of giving them insight into the different ways CLTS facilitation and training work, allowing them to appreciate the flexibility, specific support needs and special ways of working that CLTS entails.

The Trainers’ Guide encourages trainers to innovate as appropriate and to add to the core principles and practices outlined in this manual.

The guide is available in English, French and Hindi.


Additional details

PublisherWater Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
ThemesClimbing the sanitation ladder, Monitoring, evaluation and learning, Sanitation and health impacts, Tools and processes
ApproachesCommunity-led approaches

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