Supporting the Least Able Throughout and Beyond CLTS

SLH Learning Briefs
June 2017

Be explicit about recognising, involving and consulting the least able in CLTS processes, and in post-ODF and sustainability monitoring. Make sure their voices are heard, and their skills and capacities are recognised and valued.

Since its conception in 1999, Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) has spread to over 60 countries and resulted in millions of people across the world living in open defecation free (ODF) communities. The approach was a departure from subsidy-driven sanitation programming which often led to uneven adoption and only partial use. CLTS enabled communities to own the process and collectively work towards becoming ODF. However, since its implementation at scale a number of challenges have appeared. Emerging evidence is suggesting a need to better support the most disadvantaged with accessible and sustainable sanitation facilities.

This Learning Brief presents emerging principles and action points to strengthen intra-community support and introduce external support mechanisms for the least able when necessary and appropriate. It is one of several outputs from an Asia-region workshop convened in the Philippines by the CLTS Knowledge Hub and UNICEF between 24-28 May 2017.

Additional details

PublisherInstitute of Development Studies
RegionEast and South East Asia, South Asia
ThemesChallenging contexts, Leave no one behind, Monitoring, evaluation and learning, Support mechanisms, Sustainability and safely managed sanitation
ApproachesCommunity-led approaches, Financing approaches, Market-based approaches

Myers, J., Maule, L., Gnilo, M., Chambers, R. and Cavill, S. (2017) ‘Supporting the Least Able Throughout and Beyond CLTS’, CLTS Knowledge Hub Learning Brief 3, Brighton: IDS


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