This video focusses on SDG6.2 sanitation services, and explains the main changes in sanitation definitions and targets from MDGs to SDG6.2, the new sanitation ladder, and how the different types of toilets, containment, transport and disposal mechanisms are accounted for in SDG6.2 (i.e. “safely managed sanitation systems”). It also tells how countries and The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (JMP) assess and monitor progress.
The SDG framework (SDG6.2 specifically) calls for new goals in sanitation and hygiene and new ways of thinking and planning. This is work in progress though, and some of the changes from the MDG frameworks to the SDGs still have to be internalised by practitioners at several levels. This video is very accessible and comprehensive – an excellent primer for beginners and a refresher for specialists.