Involving Men and Boys in CLTS: East and Southern Africa Region

SLH Rapid Action Learning Papers
July 2018

How do we change social norms – men’s expectations on men (i.e. men are bewitched if they take on household
responsibilities) and how do we change women’s expectations of men?

This Sanitation and Hygiene Hunter-Gatherer Thematic Note discusses methods and recommendations for involving men and boys in sanitation programmes.

Additional details

PublisherInstitute of Development Studies
RegionEastern Africa, Southern Africa
ThemesBehaviour change, Gender, Gender transformative WASH, Leave no one behind, Social norms
ApproachesCommunity-led approaches, Rapid Action Learning approaches

Cavill, S., Jimmy, M.K., Wamera, E. and S. Yondu (2018) Involving Men and Boys in CLTS: East and Southern Africa Region, Sanitation and Hygiene Hunter-Gatherer Thematic Note, Brighton: IDS


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