On the 4th May 2017, the CLTS Knowledge Hub hosted a webinar on Tracking Progress and Sustainability: Monitoring, Verification and Certification of CLTS. The webinar shared an overview of global practice followed by case-studies from UNICEFs Kenya and Mali programmes. Presenters explored the successes as well as issues and challenges emerging around monitoring, verification and certification as CLTS is being used at scale.
Kath Pasteur’s presentation (Kath is an independent consultant, author of Keeping Track: CLTS Monitoring, Certification and Verification)
Shivanarain Singh’s presentation (Shiva is WASH Specialist at UNICEF Kenya)
Kalifa Keita’s presentation (Kalifa is WASH Specialist at UNICEF Mali)
Further reading
The two papers authored by Kath also provide a good overview of the issues discussed in the webinar.
Learning Paper Keeping Track: CLTS Monitoring, Verification and Certification
Learning Brief (4 pages) Tracking Progress and Sustainability: Monitoring, Verification and Certification of CLTS